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Fruit of the Spirit Workbook

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,

peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23 ESV

Introducing our very first WholyFit Workbook! We are so excited to share this with you. It is our heartfelt prayer that you will engage with this booklet daily or even weekly, allowing it to enrich your spiritual journey.

You can choose to have the physical book mailed to you or download the digital workbook instantly.

Summary of the workbook:

This devotional workbook focuses on the warmup section of our branded Fruit of the Spirit routine.  This routine is designed to blend gentle exercise with spiritual reflection, inviting you to focus on each fruit not only through the corresponding postures but also by immersing yourself in Scripture, reflecting on devotional questions, and spending intentional time with Jesus. Each devotion has been lovingly contributed by a WholyFit instructor; many of the stunning photographs throughout the booklet are also their work.

The Fruit of the Spirit is not plural—it is not a list of separate attributes to pick and choose from. Instead, the Fruit of the Spirit is a collective whole – consistent and unchanging just like Christ, the very nature of Jesus as a whole and the fulfillment of the law. We invite you to dive into this study with us, immersing yourself in both movement and biblical meditation.

Our deepest prayer is that this devotional workbook draws you closer to Jesus each day, enriching your heart, mind, and spirit in His presence. (more details about workbook below) 

Overview of Workbook

The workbook is broken down into a few categories. First each section is per Fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 

For each fruit, we will explore two perpectives: technical and spiritual.

Each section includes:

WholyFit posture related to the fruit, along with its technical details.

Practice page for rewriting. Repetition helps you learn and remember!

Devotional focused on the fruit written by our very own WholyFit instructors

Reflection questions to deepen your understanding.

Prayer and scripture for further personal study and spiritual growth

This workbook is designed to guide you with integrating each fruit of the Spirit into your daily life. We hope you enjoy this workbook and that you will use it to deepen your relationship with Jesus.

Workout Videos for Sale/Rent

“Fruit of the Spirit”

WholyFit Basic stretch and balance to Galatians 5, Romans 12

Filmed in Costa Rica in a Cloud forest, butterfly sanctuary.

“I Seek You”

WholyFit Intermediate stretches, balances to Psalm 63

Filmed in Costa Rica in an ancient church with no walls or ceiling.

“Armor of God”

WholyFit Advanced, athletic workout in 3 levels to Ephesians 6

Put on the Armor of God with exercises like “Shield of Faith” and “Overcomer.”


All the benefits of slow moving Martial arts. Bible based worldview.

Martial arts inspired slow movements of praise to God in Sign Language.

This is truly a wonderful DVD. It has a nice flow that was easy to follow the first time. I have fibromyalgia and was looking for an alternative to yoga and this is it! This is truly a wonderful DVD. It has a nice flow that was easy to follow the first time. I have fibromyalgia and was looking for an alternative to yoga and this is it! It helps you stretch and strengthen your body while listening to wonderful scriptures being read and relaxing music. I’m looking forward to ordering the other DVD’s that they offer. – Heidi Clifton

Heidi Clifton

Posture Cards

The Multi-layer Armor of God workout DVD above offers basic posture modifications using the posture card set at the right, a great low-tech way to learn the WholyFit Armor of God postures at home!

Contains overviews: Phase: Warm Up, Standing, Balance, Matwork and Restoration.

Contains one card per posture with Scriptures to memorize on every card.

On the back of every card, is the technique instruction on how to correctly execute the exercise.


As a personal trainer, it is nice to give clients the option to do workouts on their own. I have personally participated in exercising using the Wholyfit DVD. This mind, body, and spirit workout is far more than I could have expected. It is great to know that there is a safe way for Christians to get this type of exercise. The insturction is clear and beautiful; using scripture to guide us through the spiritual journey of fitness for Christ. Please Make More!

– Jamie, Personal Trainer

This is truly a wonderful DVD. It has a nice flow that was easy to follow the first time. I have fibromyalgia and was looking for an alternative to yoga and this is it! It helps you stretch and strengthen your body while listening to wonderful scriptures being read and relaxing music. I’m looking forward to ordering the other DVD’s that they offer.

– Heidi Clifton